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Select Board Minutes 05/14/2015
Thursday May 14, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lynn Arnold, Larry Mandell
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Ms. Arnold called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm

Mr. Mandell, motion to waive reading of the minutes of May 5, 2015 and accept as written. 2nd Ms. Arnold. Voted to accept as written.

Old Business

  • Warrant: Ms. Arnold asked Mr. Mandell if he had an opportunity to review the Annual Town Warrant after Town Counsel’s review. Mr. Mandell stated that he had. Ms. Arnold asked if there were any changes that he thought were necessary or would like to make.  Mr. Mandell stated that town counsel questioned the legality of the last article which was a bylaw change submitted by the Board of Health. Mr. Mandell made a motion to strike that article based on Town Counsel’s comments. Ms. Arnold second, so voted.
  • Article #7 was added as a house keeping measure to ensure the monies for the brush dump will roll over into the brush dump account for FY16. Mr. Mandell motion to accept article 7 be added, Ms. Arnold second. So voted.
  • Budget:  Ms. Arnold explained that a balance budget has been created.  The Finance Committee voted on their final recommendations for the budget the previous week May 5, 2015.  More information on insurance costs in the amount of $12,000 came to light after May 5, 2015.  The Finance Committee, held a meeting to rebalance the budget on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, to accommodate the new information. The members of the Select Board were present. A new balanced budget was presented to the Select Board.  
The budget as amended on the May 13th meeting of the Finance Committee is before the Select Board. Mr. Mandell made a motion to accept the budget before them, Ms. Arnold second. So voted.

New Business
  • Mr. Mandell explained that the Community Center was not available to host the Candidates’ Night on May 20th but would be available to host on May 22nd. Mr. Mandell made a motion to change the Candidates’ Night to May 22, 2015, Ms. Arnold second. So voted.  Mr. Mandell apologized for giving the impression that the Government Studies Committee was sponsoring the event on the agenda. They are not.
Mr. Mandell discussed the process that the night would follow. There will be a box for questions to the candidates posed by the audience. Each candidate will be given an opportunity to introduce him or herself, explain briefly who he/she is and answer some questions. The questions will be read by the moderator and each candidate will be given an opportunity to respond in turn within a time limit.
Discussion on how to get the word out to the residents. Suggestions were, cable access channel, calendar for the newspaper, Facebook, ask Paula Bak to send out an email to all her contacts, Chris McCooe would notify the Hamilton Reservoir Association and asked to be cc’d on the announcement.


  • Ms. Arnold announced the Holland Elementary School 5k road race to be held on Sunday May 17th at the Holland Elementary School.  Ms. Arnold read the announcement by Police Chief Bryan Haughey.
  • Ms. Arnold acknowledged all the work done by Dawn Cass-Evans for the Memorial Day event. Ms. Arnold then read the flyer for the Memorial Day event.
Appointments to speak with Select Board - none
Public Access
Christine McCooe – asked what was happening with Cox Cable. Ms. Arnold stated that she had been in touch with Senator Anne Gobi’s office. Mr. Mandell state he had been in touch with Representative Todd Smola. The information on the contract has not been sent to either party as of this date.
Christine McCooe – asked if there was any word on the HRA gift money in relation to their request to use it for drainage on and around Sandy Beach area. She was told that the information along with a letter and pictures were sent to the Highway Department.
Christine McCooe – asked how to get reimbursed for the postage she paid for the postage regarding the Government Studies Committee town wide meeting. Kelli Robbins told Ms. McCooe that she needs to submit her receipts to her so that they can be processed.
Mr. Mandell motion to adjourn, seconded Ms. Arnold. So voted at 7:40 pm.